

"I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough."

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Prince of Persia

I just watched "Prince of Persia" movie at GSC Dataran Pahlawan, Melaka... The trailer was so awesome that i had decided months earlier that i wanted to watch this movie... OK, Now for some review on the movie...

The storyline was well-developed, there is even some unexpected twist in the plot... It was a story of a street orphan who was adopted by the Persian king and grew up to be one (out of 3) princes in the royal court. All the princes attacked a holy city, they won and the hero ends up owning a very mystic dagger. Then comes the twist that the person you thought as the bad guy for quite some time ends up being the good guy and the hero has to save the world from total world destruction unleashed from the dagger... bla bla bla..

The actors and actresses were ok (referring to their acting)... The movie was action-packed from the beginning until the end... However, other elements were not well developed (eg. the romance, emotional aspects, etc)... There is just something missing (u have to watch to get the idea)...

In summary, i would say that this movie is worth watching, it is not boring, have good storyline, lots of action (sword-fighting, jumping) but lacks in emotional aspects and other elements. But if you are fans of the Prince of Persia games and just wanted to enjoy the actions, i would say that this movie is suffice to keep you in your seat...

The moral of the story is that given the ability to do so, all people would want to correct their pasts... including me... but those pasts are long gone and changing it would change who we are today... What we can change is the future, and for that we must strive for a better future...

But i do love some of the quotes in the movie which are inspirational... Maybe I'll add the quotes later when i watch the movie second time in downloaded version...

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