

"I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough."

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Maximize the caffeine effect...

"It takes around 45 minutes after drinking for caffeine to take real effects…"

This is one fact that i quoted from MalaysianInsider today... and being a coffee-lover myself, i can't help but to notice that it is true... The full effect of caffeine is not instantaneous, but rather have a lapse of time between the drinking time and the full effect... This is sort of like the pharmacokinetic info of caffeine...

Having known this info, as a student of pharmacology, maybe certain alteration need to be made in the use of "caffeine therapy" such as in keeping students awake on study nights...

I would suggest that the caffeine PO be started about 45 minutes before we usually feel sleepy, that way the effect of caffeine can be felt when we needed it the most...

OR, a coffee drinker should occupy himself with less sleep-inducing activities for 45 minutes before continuing his study or etc...

As for drivers who depends on caffeine to keep them awake as they drive at night, i think that the caffeine therapy should be started early (before usual bedtime) and not as a last-minute method to keep them up when they are already chronically sleepy...

1 comment:

Polaris Girl said...

eh awk mmg ske mnum coffee ke??
sy klo mnum coffee, even yg merah tu je xleh tdo 4 hari if mnum bberapa teguk.. siyes..
kalo bgtau org rmai x caye

mnum teh pon same... mnum sket je mmg xleh tdo even penat.. terjadi mse nogaps aritu.. xleh tdo mlm sbb mnum teh wktu ptg.. (^_^)


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