

"I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough."

Monday, May 31, 2010

Subsidi nak dihapuskan...

Baru-baru ni, Dato' Idris Jala (Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri) telah mengemukakan cadangan pengurangan subsidi ke atas pelbagai produk (yg sgt kontroversi di Malaysia), katanya kalau subsidi kekal seperti sekarang, bila tahun 2019, Malaysia akan bankrap. Kontroversi ini bukan merujuk kepada produk2 yg pelik2 tapi produk2 yg sgt penting bagi rakyat Malaysia spt gula, tol, minyak petrol, minyak masak etc... Pengurangan subsidi akan dilaksanakan secara berperingkat selama lebih kurang 5 tahun...

Ramai terus membantah
100% cadangan nih sebab x nak membeli barang dgn harga yg mahal, tetapi sebahagian kecil bersetuju terutama dalam media arus perdana... Sebahagian yg lain pula setuju bersyarat... Apa pandangan anda? Xde pandangan lagi? Jom bincangkan isu nih...

Kita mulakan dgn kebaikan subsidi iaitu membolehkan rakyat yg berpendapatan rendah untuk menikmati barang2 pada harga lebih murah dan secara tidak langsung meningkatkan sedikit taraf hidup mereka... Itu je kebaikannya...

Keburukan subsidi plak:
  • Subsidi yg diberi kerajaan lebih banyak dinikmati oleh golongan berpendapatan tinggi drpd golongan berpendapatan rendah. Sebagai contoh, org kaya beli kereta berenjin besar (guna lebih banyak minyak) sedangkan org miskin hanya guna motorsikal je... so org kaya dpt lebih banyak subsidi...
  • Subsidi di Malaysia bukan hanya dinikmati oleh rakyat Malaysia, tp juga rakyat negara jiran dan pendatang asing tanpa izin... Harga barang yg rendah menyebabkan banyak sindiket penyeludupan ke negara jiran, jadi rugi jelah kita bagi subsidi kepada org luar kan
  • Subsidi menyebabkan banyak pembaziran berlaku. Yelah, kalau semua benda murah, org x hargai sgt kan, cuba kalau benda mahal, xde nak membazir nye... Contohnya subsidi ubat di hospital kerajaan, ada pesakit yg bawak balik ubat tp x makan pun (membazir kan)...
  • Sesetengah barang yg disubsidi pula x baik dr segi kesihatan spt gula pasir... banyak amik gula nnti dpt diabetes pulak...

Jadi dpt kita simpulkan kebaikan subsidi ni kurang berbanding keburukannye kan... Kalau ada org nak tambah apa2 yg saya x perasan bolehlah komen kat bwh...

Demikian begitu, mengapa rakyat yg kebanyakannya berpelajaran tinggi membantah pengurangan subsidi (bukan sebab mereka selfish ok)?

  • Pertama, kerana terlalu banyak korupsi yg berlaku dalam kerajaan sekarang nih, menyebabkan kerajaan rugi berbilion ringgit. Jadi secara logiknya, kalau korupsi ni x diselesaikan terlebih dulu, rugi jelah duit rakyat kan... Lebih banyak duit masuk dlm perbendaharaan negara, tp lebih banyak duit yg akan keluar melalui korupsi... Jadi ada orang yg berpendapat kita kene banteras korupsi dulu sebelum menyusahkan rakyat...
  • Kedua, kerana kita xtau ke mana perginya duit lebih yg akan kita bayar kepada kerajaan... Sepatutnya menteri berkenaan perlulah menyatakan apa yg nak dibuat dgn duit lebih yg kerajaan bakal dapat...
  • Ketiga, kerana dulu masa kerajaan nak naikkan harga minyak, mereka janji untuk salurkan duit tu kpd pengangkutan awam, tp sampai sekarang masih mcm dulu je... Kenalah buktikan dulu yg mereka dh penuhi janji dulu, br senang org nak bg duit lebih lg kan...
  • Keempat, rata-rata rakyat Malaysia masih lagi berpendapatan rendah, jadi golongan yg akan terhimpit paling teruk tentulah golongan ini...
Itulah sedikit sebanyak isu subsidi nih... Jadi apa pandangan saya?

Erm, saya rasakan pengurangan subsidi adalah sangat perlu... TAPI mestilah dalam masa yg sama, pihak kerajaan perlu berjanji dan mengeluarkan satu pelan komprehensif untuk membanteras rasuah dan korupsi... Kerajaan juga perlu menyediakan lebih banyak bantuan yg lebih spesifik kepada rakyat Malaysia yg kurang berkemampuan (spt pengangkutan awam dan bantuan tunai)... Di samping itu, kerajaan juga perlu merangka ekonomi Malaysia ke arah ekonomi berpendapatan tinggi supaya rakyat Malaysia lebih mampu untuk menikmati barang2 dan perkhidmatan di Malaysia...

Oleh itu, kerajaan sepatutnya mengumumkan (dalam satu masa) satu pelan yg lebih komprehensif, daripada semua aspek yg berkaitan dgn subsidi seperti di atas... Kalau nak tunggu korupsi abes baru nak selesaikan isu subsidi x jalan2 nanti, jadi pada pandangan saya kalau buat serentak pun boleh, tp mestilah terbukti berkesan...

Paling bagus sekali adalah dengan mengurangkan sedikit subsidi dan dalam masa yg sama kerajaan kena buktikan berapa banyak rasuah yg berjaya dibendung dan bagaimana org berpendapatan rendah dapat faedah... Bila dah berjaya sedikit, kurangkan lagi sedikit subsidi, dan tunjuk lagi apa yg dah dilakukan (maybe naikkan gaji penjawat awam dgn perbendaharaan negara yg semakin banyak, dan tidak lupa juga banteras rasuah) .. Sampai semua subsidi dah xde, semua rasuah dah dibanteras dan semua rakyat x hidup susah lagi... Pada saya kalau macam ni boleh diterima...


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Harum + manis = Heaven

Baunya harum semerbak... warnanya kuning menggoda... rasanya lazat sekali...

Inilah huraian yg paling baik yg boleh diberi kepada salah satu eksport terpenting dari Perlis iaitu Harumanis (Sejenis mangga/mempelam yg ditanam di Perlis)... Ps: eksport sampai ke Jepun kut...

Makan begitu saja pun sedap (buang kulit dulu lah yerk), buat jus pun sedap, makan ngan pulut pun sedap... Rasanya kalau dah sedap tuh makan macam mana pun sedap... Kat Perlis aritu Din Ligan hidangkan kami suma di atas (harumanis, jus harumanis, pulut makan bersama harumanis)... Heaven...

Tapi semua yg sedap mesti ada limitation kan... Yes, there is a catch... Harumanis hanya berbuah semusim je dlm setahun iaitu antara bulan 4 - 6 setiap thun... Oleh itu kepada yg teringin sgt nak rasa kelazatan buah nih, bolehlah gi melawat Perlis di sekitar bulan tu... Kami pun dpt rasa buah2 yg penghujung dh (alhamdulillah dapat gak rasa)... huhu... Terima kasih banyak2 ye din ligan...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Maybe forgiveness will find me somewhere down this road... I'm moving on...

Ip Man 2...

I just watched the movie yesterday and it was awesome... The movie has all elements combined... Lots of actions, plus family drama, patriotism etc...

Ip Man 2 is a much better film than its predecessor, in terms of characterization and storyline. The film focuses on disputes between the disciples of Hung Ga and Wing Chun martial arts, as well as the conflict and rivalry of the two practitioners. Screenwriter Edmond Wong stated that the film also "deals with how Hong Kong people were treated under British colonial rule, and Western attitudes concerning Chinese kung-fu." Even though i did not waver in my hypothesis (even for a second) that ip man will win in the end, the story was still exciting from the beginning until the end...

And kung-fu, albeit being a Chinese culture, is a cross-cultural phenomenon, thanks to Bruce Lee, Jet Li etc... When i was watching other Chinese movies before this, most of the audience (90%) seems to be Chinese. However, yesterday, as i entered the cinema to watch ip man 2, i noticed that the all Malaysian races are well-represented in terms of audience. Proving that everybody enjoys good action movies...

(thanks a lot to Fadhil Yusof for introducing me to the first ip man movie)

I strongly recommend other to check out this movie... Serius Best...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Please don't go crazy if i told you the truth...

Maximize the caffeine effect...

"It takes around 45 minutes after drinking for caffeine to take real effects…"

This is one fact that i quoted from MalaysianInsider today... and being a coffee-lover myself, i can't help but to notice that it is true... The full effect of caffeine is not instantaneous, but rather have a lapse of time between the drinking time and the full effect... This is sort of like the pharmacokinetic info of caffeine...

Having known this info, as a student of pharmacology, maybe certain alteration need to be made in the use of "caffeine therapy" such as in keeping students awake on study nights...

I would suggest that the caffeine PO be started about 45 minutes before we usually feel sleepy, that way the effect of caffeine can be felt when we needed it the most...

OR, a coffee drinker should occupy himself with less sleep-inducing activities for 45 minutes before continuing his study or etc...

As for drivers who depends on caffeine to keep them awake as they drive at night, i think that the caffeine therapy should be started early (before usual bedtime) and not as a last-minute method to keep them up when they are already chronically sleepy...

Monday, May 17, 2010

The best version of yourself...

"Sometimes when you really care about someone, you want them to know you, just as you are right now: the best version of yourself..."

This is another quote from scrubs, when Turk explain to another doctor that one of her patient refused to take steroid treatment and would rather die than revealing to her partner of her past...

And it makes me kinda wonder about me, i have a past too, everybody have theirs... and i am not proud of SOME of the things i have done or i have been in the past (not that i have murdered anyone, just something negative here and there)...

And i really don't want other people to judge me for who i was... i have changed somewhat, learning from my mistakes... so judge me for who i am...

When people have known you for a long time, they tend to judge you sort of like a continuous assessment of all the time they've had known you... but isn't this a bit unfair? If i had changed for better, why not judge me for my present attitude only.... judge me for the best version of himself...

I've faced this problem before and it bugs me so much...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome...

Before this, i have heard about this syndrome, usually as a rare side effect of some drugs like sulfonamide antibiotics, barbiturates etc... But i was too lazy to look up on the topic...

However, one morning, one of the slots in morning talk show on TV3 was on allergies and the invited dermatologist discussed quite deep on this syndrome... the were many facts, but i did not remember them all... i remembered that this syndrome is fatal and the picture of lesions in the mouth and lips...

Since i am less lazy tonight, i would like to post a summary of what this syndrome really is...

Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS) is life-threatening condition affecting the skin in which cell death causes the epidermis to separate from the dermis. The syndrome is thought to be a hypersensitivity complex affecting the skin and the mucous membranes. Although the majority of cases are idiopathic, the main class of known causes is medications, followed by infections and (rarely) cancers.

Typical symptoms for both diseases include fever, body aches, a flat red rash, blisters that break out on the mucous membranes, and small areas of peeling skin (Stevens-Johnson syndrome) or large areas of peeling skin (toxic epidermal necrolysis).

as future pharmacist, the treatment should be the focus in this article right?
so... The treatment is.......

People with Stevens-Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis are hospitalized. Any drugs suspected of causing the disorder are immediately discontinued. When possible, people are treated in a burn unit and given scrupulous care to avoid infection. If the person survives, the skin grows back on its own, and unlike burns, skin grafts are not needed. Fluids and salts, which are lost through the damaged skin, are replaced intravenously.

Use of corticosteroids to treat the disorder is controversial. Some doctors believe that giving large doses within the first few days is beneficial, whereas others believe that corticosteroids should not be used. These drugs suppress the immune system, which increases the potential for serious infection. If infection develops, doctors give antibiotics immediately.

In many cases, doctors give intravenous human immunoglobulin (IVIg) to treat toxic epidermal necrolysis. This substance helps to prevent further immune damage to the skin and further progression of blistering.

TQ to wikipedia and merck...

Ulat tiket....

a few days back, during my brief vacation at Kota Bharu, i watched a morning show on TV3 and one of the slots in the show was on "ulat tiket" at the temporary bus terminal at Bukit Jalil.

It was not a new issue, thus as usual, it began with some customer complained of being harrassed by these irresponsible ulat tiket, followed by complaints by bus company that the ulat tiket is eating up their profit... i agree with these comments and their request for more enforcement in bus terminals...

Then, when the journalist asked for a comment from the JPJ director-general (dato' solah mat hasan), the ONLY comment he gave was that it was the consumers' fault that there is any ulat tiket in the first place... He said that if all consumer bought tickets from the counter, these problems will end...

It seems that these JPJ director is not admitting any mistakes by his agency but simply pointing finger to other people... I believe what he said is partly true but that is a very irresponsible comment... He should start by addressing that there is also some shortcomings on his agency (like lack of enforcement etc) and then discuss other factors such as "adanya permintaan drpd pihak pelanggan" and other relevant factors... Blaming solely on the consumer, the JPJ director is sort of being not-understanding to the consumers which have been harrassed by these ulat tiket... I would suggest that this man should take a trip alone (in casual outfit) to the bus terminals to experience these ulat tiket incident better... I hope he does heed my advice, then maybe he would come up with more symphathetic comment and share the blame on his agency as well...

Friday, May 14, 2010

Barry Manilow - I can't smile without You with Lyrics

scrubs - season 6 episode my rabbit...

I know, you don't trust me and I don't even know if you like me. I don't really like myself right now. But... Do you think there's a one in a million chance that a year from now... or 5 years from now, you could get to a place where you forgive me... and we could give it another shot?

these are the scenes when Kim asked for a one in a million chance for forgiveness from JD, but still JD said NO... it was sad... everyone should be more forgiving (i hope)...

Hellboy 2...

a quote from the movie:

  • Do you need everyone to like you ? everybody? Or am I enough? Think about it….
this is the scene when the girl asked hellboy why does he needs all those people to like him... she liked him for who he is, and isn't that enough for him... and this kinda made me think about myself, why do i need all people to like me, isn't the friends that i have now is enough? so, just ignore those people who don't like you, appreciate those around you more...

Here Comes Goodbye

I can hear the truck tires coming up the gravel road
And its not like her to drive that slow, nothings on her radio
Footsteps on the front porch, I hear my doorbell
She usually comes right in, now I can tell

Here comes goodbye, here comes the last time
Here comes the start of every sleepless night
The first of every tear I'm gonna cry
Here comes the pain, Here comes me wishing things had never changed
And she was right here in my arms tonight, but here comes goodbye

I can hear her say I love you like it was yesterday
And I can see it written on her face that she had never felt this way
One day I thought Id see her with her daddy by her side
And violins would play here comes the bride

But here comes goodbye, here comes the last time
Here comes the start of every sleepless night
The first of every tear Im gonna cry
Here comes the pain, Here comes me wishing things had never changed
And she was right here in my arms tonight, but here comes goodbye

Why does it have to go from good to gone?
Before the lights turn on, yeah and you're left alone
All alone, but here comes goodbye

Here comes goodbye, here comes the last time
Here comes the start of every sleepless night
The first of every tear I'm gonna cry
Here comes the pain, Here comes me wishing things had never changed
And she was right here in my arms tonight, but here comes goodbye

Rascal Flatts

Monday, May 10, 2010

Internal Security Act...

Secara ringkasnya, ISA adalah satu akta yg diluluskan di parlimen yg memberi kuasa kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri untuk menangkap sesiapa saja tanpa membuat apa2 tuduhan, tanpa perbicaraan di mahkamah (maksudnya tak boleh nak membela diri) dan menteri tu boleh memenjarakan orang yg ditangkap itu selama mana yg dia nak... ini sangat tidak adil, dan tidak islamik...

Walaupun ramai orang yg tidak bersetuju dgn ISA, tp mereka sering saja mengamalkan prinsip ISA dlm kehidupan harian mereka... Bila rasa sesiapa dalam hidup mereka bersalah, xde nak bagi peluang untuk berbincang dan mendengar penjelasan pihak yg lagi satu, terus je nak kenakan hukuman etc...

Kalau kita nak menghukum or menuduh seseorang (anyone, including our friends, family), lakukanlah dgn berhemah, ikut prosedur yang betul, jgn buat mcm ISA plak... Pada pandangan saya, prosedur undang2 pun boleh jadi panduan yang baik...

Mula-mula mestilah buat pertuduhan... tertuduh mestilah tahu atas kesalahan apa dia dituduh bersalah... maybe dia x sedar apa salah yg dia dah buat... Kita mana tau apa yg org tafsirkan dari setiap perbuatan kita kan... Pertuduhan ni x semestinya negatif, nasihat pun boleh jd pertuduhan jugak...

Pastu, bagi dia peluang untuk menjelaskan keadaan dan membela diri... Mungkin org yg menuduh tu tersilap tengok or tak memahami keadaan sebenar... Mungkin benar dia dh melakukan kesilapan tu, tp x sedar ada org x suka...

Pastu, bagilah dia peluang untuk berubah, bertaubat, membetulkan semula keadaan, meminta maaf, etc... Kalau boleh setel dgn cara baik watpe nak gaduh-gaduh kan...

Pastu kalau masalah masih berterusan, buatlah apa yang dirasakan patut...

Kesimpulannya, bersikap adil lah dalam hidup ini, termasuk dalam perhubungan harian kita... Allah Maha Adil, dan balasan bagi mereka2 yg zalim itu pasti...

Lifehouse-Halfway Gone (HQ+Lyrics)

i like music and lyrics, so x kisah r video yg xde gambar pun kan... huhu... enjoy

Saturday, May 8, 2010

memories... a burden to my soul...

"There are moments when i wish i could roll back the clock and take all the sadness away, but i have a feeling that if i did, the joy would be gone as well. So i take the memories as they come, accepting them all, letting them guide me whenever i can..."

Halfway gone

You were always hard to hold
So letting go ain't easy
I'm hanging on but growing cold
While my mind is leaving

Talk, talk is cheap
Give me a word you can keep
Cause you're halfway gone and I'm on my way
And I'm feeling, feelin feelin this way
Cause I'm halfway in but don't take too long
Cause I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone
You got one foot out the door
And choking on the other
Always think theres something more
Its just around the corner

Talk, talk is cheap
Give me a word you can keep
Cause I'm halfway gone and I'm on my way
And I'm feeling, feelin feelin this way
Cause you're halfway in but don't take too long
Cause I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone

If you want me out, then I'm on my way
And I'm feelin, feelin feelin this way
Cause you're halfway in, but don't take too long
Cause I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone (wohoww wohoww)
I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone (wohoww wohoww)

Now I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone
Don't take too long, don't take too long
Cause I'm on my way
If you take too long
Cause I'm halfway gone and I'm on my way
And I'm feeling, feelin Im feelin this way
Cause you're halfway in but don't take too long
Cause I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone

If you want me out, then I'm on my way
And I'm feelin , feelin feelin this way
Cause you're halfway in, but dont take too long
Cause I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone (wohoww wohoww)
Cause I'm halfway gone, and I'm halfway gone (wohoww wohoww)
Cause I'm halfway gone, yeah I'm halfway gone

by lighthouse

Nuclear energy…. The greener choice…

If you read my profile, you’d notice d that one of the core issues that I am interested in is the environmental issues, which is a complex issue which is very much related with other issues such as energy and economy.

Carbon dioxide emission leads to irreversible green house effect which destroys the Earth as a whole.Thus, these emissions must be controlled, and minimized in order to preserve the environment. Coal and hydrocarbon are the most polluted energy sources as they emit massive amount of carbon dioxide.

Nuclear energy (in this article referring to fission reactors, not fusion reactors) on the other hand is much more environment-friendly and not-to-mention costs much less economically. 

Environment friendly is due to the fact that it did not emit CO2 and only a small amount fission material (eg. Uranium) is needed to produce a very large amount of energy. The waste product of nuclear material is still emitting radiation, but can be processed to be used as radiopharmaceuticals for example. However, managing a nuclear plant must be done with extra care to prevent nuclear-waste spill which can leads to unwanted health-deteriorating radiation emission.

Economic-wise, as only a small amount of fission material is needed to generate a very large amount of energy, the cost to generate energy would be minimized and we would then enjoy lower tariff for electricity. Currently, the energy in Malaysia is very much dependent on oil, natural gas and coal, and the ever-increasing price of these hydrocarbons makes the cost of generating energy to be increasing higher and higher, leading to increasing electricity tariff as time goes by. I once read that Malaysia only needed ONE large (standard size) nuclear reactor to fulfill the energy needs of the people, compared to maybe 50 of coal and hydrocarbon generators in use now.

However, I think that Malaysia would not opted for the large reactors but maybe build smaller nuclear reactor models such as being used in South Korea. Maybe, instead of having one high radiation area, it is a good option to have more areas but emitting much less radiation.

On the downside:

The Malaysian environmentalists uses the age-old mantra of nuclear reactor emit radiation and possibility of nuclear disaster. I do not agree with their weak arguements. Malaysian environmentalists, unlike international environmentalists (like me) do not think of the situation as a whole. They are not thinking of about the economic sense, the technological points, the very unhealthy addiction to hydrocarbons, the condition that one day the hydrocarbons would be depleted and the green house effect. Malaysian environmentalist only care about the radiation around the area where the nuclear reactor will be built. Where are they when the world is discussing the climate change topic in Copenhagen (if I am not mistaken in copenhagen), they should at least have made a strong media statement to lobby the government to present with a strong green solution.

Some writers present the point that nuclear disaster is possible in Malaysia (although unheard of in the present time) because of the lack of maintenance culture in Malaysia. This itself is not a strong point to be discussed, I don’t care, hire a foreign company to run it if you want to make sure it is safe. 

Neway, for those people out there who do not know yet that Malaysia has already have a small nuclear reactor in Agensi Nuklear Malaysia for about 20 years and I would say that it is managed just well by the Malaysians.

Some Pakatan Rakyat leaders (Lim Guan Eng and Khalid) have argued that we do not need the nuclear reactor because our energy reserve is very high (about 40%) when it should be much lower. Energy reserve is the energy which is generated but not used (quite a waste kan). They also argued that the Bakun Hydroelectric Dam would be operational soon (dunno when) but would solve the energy problem in the near future. 

I agree with them, BUT the nuclear energy takes about 10 to 15 years to be developed and we must not delay, we must start now because this is for the future not for now. We cannot just wake up one day and want a nuclear energy, this needs time. Yes, certain measures must be pushed forward to solve the energy crisis now but we are not discussing this in this article, we are discussing on the future energy needs of Malaysia.

The conclusion:

Nuclear energy is a clean source of energy and it is safe (provided that the management is according to international standards). The nuclear initiatives must start now as it would take years before the energy can be harvested. I think that nuclear is not be the only solution, but it would be the centerpiece of the solution to the energy and environment problems. Nuclear energy complemented with other renewable energy sources such as solar power and wind power may provide a clean energy for the Malaysians in the future. I hope the present Malaysian government will not flip-flop on this issue.

Go Green…

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sakit gigi... tapi saya pregnant...

A pregnant lady walks into the pharmacy complaining of dental pain, she had came the day before with the same complain and was dispensed with paracetamol only (because of the pregnancy). She complained that her pain did not subside and she wanted to buy something “stronger”…

Menarik x soalan nih?

On the previous day, the patient was not given any NSAIDs such as naproxen (which is commonly given for dental pain) , this is because according to BNF (I left my drug info at Kuantan), the manufacturers suggest that NSAID should be avoided in pregnancy, meaning that it is not totally contraindicated but just to be safe, don’t use it. Giving NSAID to pregnant woman would cause the ductus arteriosus in the fetus to close in the womb (it is supposed to close during birth) leading to certain complications…

I am of the opinion that the patient can be given something like lidocaine spray or lidocaine ointment but the staff is afraid to dispense it (neway, theres no stock of these items in the pharmacy at the time also).

When I referred back, local anesthetics are all lump together in the pregnancy appendix, and the explanation is more on the local anesthetics which are injected to paralyse half the body (for example).. So, is it safe to use lidocaine topical preparation for pregnant women?

Ada sape2 nak jwb soalan nih?…

Pregnant women taking viagra?

As I was flipping through the pregnancy appendix in the BNF, I came across comment on the use of SILDENAFIL during PREGNANCY. It said, “Use only if potential benefit outweigh risk”.

And it made me wonder, what the heck, do women uses sildenafil? Pregnant women? Pelik kan? Rasa nak gelak pun ada gak. But then, when I referred back, rupanya sildenafil ada another indication, which is for pulmonary hypertension (not just for erectile dysfunction)… And the sildenafil product used for pulmonary hypertension is not viagra, it is has other name, probably to prevent the confusion like this... hahaha...

Another interesting fact that I want to share with you guys, just in case korang x tau gak like me before… huhu…

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Special KTM coach.... for ladies only...

Recently, the KTM komuter has provided a special ladies-only coach for it's Sentul-Port Klang route (and as i am editing this article, the Rawang-Seremban route is on the way of implementing this concept). This is a good move, BUT...... i would say that the timing of implementation is a little bit off...

From my experience of riding the Komuter, and from the readers' complaints in the newspapers, the KTM Komuter service is very poor that i think this move is not a only a temporary solution (to a chronic problem), and that the  only long-term and permanent solution is to improve the services (and fast)...

The main complaint would be that the waiting time for each komuter is very long and sometimes at peak hours, even when the train arrive on-time, passengers cannot enter due to already congested train and have to wait for another (or few other) train before they can ride it..

In the train, strangers of different genders have to stand up in packed coach... this is not Islamic (not observing distance between people), not comfortable (eg: smell) and can lead to problems such as pick-pocketing and sexual harassment...

I once ride from KL Sentral to Seremban, about a 2 hours ride and half the time i have to stand up (in a congested coach) holding a medium sized bag... very tiring indeed...

Komuter train also broke down sometimes (usually for about few minutes when i rode it) but in the news, the train can sometimes broke down longer...


I think that, the most urgent improvement that KTM must do is to increase the frequency of it's train, reduce the waiting time between each train, and maybe change with a new train model which is bigger, faster and more efficient... Then, i believe, the problems described above would be reduced (if not solved)...

To do achieve this, they should choose a new more efficient train model and buy it...

These vital problems should be prioritized first over additional features (such as introducing the ladies-only coaches)... If not, the problems will persist somehow... The Komuter coaches would still be very crowded (although the ladies will only be stuck among the gender only), the people of both gender will still have to miss some train because the coaches are already full, no personal space between passengers, the Komuter train will still break down sometimes (leading to problems such as body odor when the air-cond break down) and ASSUMING that all the pick-pockets are male, then the pick-pockets incident would still be rampant in the male-coach (or if we assume that some of the pick-pockets are female, then the problem is not solved at all)...

As for sexual harassment, maybe this segregation can help to certain extent...

I believe that the only long-term and permanent solution is to address the train first, when the train is more efficient (and comfortable) and people have their personal space around them to themselves only, the problem of sexual harrassment, pickpocketing, and all the other problems will be solved simultaneously...

Case study: Singapore MRT train, the train is efficient and comfortable that i don't even think that sexual harassment and pick-pocketing is a problem there...

ps: this is just my opinion...

oral contraceptives pills dan breast cancer...

Dlm kebosanan, ak pun membaca BNF time community pharmacy posting aritu... and here is some points which i came across...

kita semua maklum bahawa penggunaan ocp (especially estrogen derivatives) utk jangka masa lama boleh meningkatkan risiko dpt breast cancer, tp bila tanya patient history, apa yg korang tanya?

duration bape lama dia guna kan?

dlm bnf tulis, the most important question to ask would be "bape lame dia dh stop using OCP?"

kalau dia dh stop using for about TEN years, risiko utk dpt breast cancer akan berkurang dgn banyak


selepas dia stop taking ocp for more than TWENTY years, risiko dia dpt breast cancer actually sgt2 rendah (kira cam sama ngan org yg x amek ocp)...

haaa, menarik tak?

Susu ensure....

pelanggan : nak beli susu ensure dik...
staff farmasi: pak cik nak yg perisa vanilla ke yg perisa coklat?
pelanggan : nak susu tepung...
me : ???

rasa nak tergelak je ak dgr... hahaha... tp kalu korang x faham xpe r, cuba lain kali...

Monday, May 3, 2010

everything has to begin somewhere right...

i hereby launch my first open-to-public blog on the 3rd of May in conjunction with the world press freedom day by the United Nations.....

freedom of information is very important, but it is not a great concern in Malaysia...

i believe that everybody deserve to receive the correct information and is entitled to their own opinion. As there are 2 sides of the same story, i believe that both sides should have equal opportunity to present their arguements...

hoping that i would live to experience these ideals...


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