

"I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough."

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Final year??? Macam x percaya je...

Another year until graduation

Macam x percaya je akhirnya dah masuk final year... Kalau termasuk hari ni, dah seminggu start sem baru... If I had to choose 1 word to describe this week, it would be "overwhelming"...

The week started with registration at our new room for this semester at Mahallah... Overwhelming in this sense is because, we have to carry all of our stuff from home and from the store into our new room... Banyak benda nak kena kemas, kena cuci, kena uruskan... Penatnya... I felt overwhelmed with fatigue...

Jumpa kawan2 lepas 3 bulan x jumpa... memang happy giler... boleh borak berjam-jam kut... Dah abes borak ngan sorang, gi borak ngan orang lain pulak... This is what I would called overwhelmed by joy...

Pastu start pulak semester baru kat Kulliyyah of Pharmacy... Overwhelmed with lectures... Actually lectures baru je start ckit2... Not in full swing yet, but the after 3 months of relaxation, all lectures seem to be filled with to much words that my mind overload and crash (sleep... or daydreaming)... This is definitely NOT the lecturers fault, it is my fault... I'll try to stay focused in the future... Just needs more time to keep up the pace again...

Next week dah start hospital attachment dah... So dah kena start masuk gear 2 next week...


Polaris Girl said...

percayalah!! kamoo tu da final year.hihi

ezud zaliy said...

memang terpaksa percaya pun... kalau dah final year nih, x tau apa-apa kena marah je... dulu boleh r bagi alasan kan... huhu

Polaris Girl said...

final year, boleh x bg tips sket cmne x ngantuk dlm kelas ek?? huhu

ezud zaliy said...

tips paling penting: tido awal r kalu ada kelas pagi keesokan hari... wawawa...

tips kurang penting: kalau minat apa yg dipelajari, kurang ngantuk kut... huhu


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