People like to speak in secret codes so that other people may not know what the message is really about...
The message they send may not be private, all people can read or see the message, but only those who has the cipher (a key information to unlock the true message) will be able to read the real message behind the words/pictures/numbers (or any kind of secret codes)...
For people who read the message without the cipher, they would not understand the message at all... Thus true information is safely kept between the ones intended for it...
However, secret codes are bound to be broken when the cipher is discovered (accidentally or intentionally)...
When it happen (the cipher discovered), the hidden message can be read by the people who discovered the cipher...
And it doesn't end there... When the cipher is discovered, not only that the newest hidden message can be read, all the previous messages hidden using the same cipher can now be read...
The secret is not a secret anymore, someone already know...
But, if the ones who found out about the secret is your friend (who can keep secrets), the secret is still safe... for the moment...
PS: I also like to broadcast my secret messages, but sometime even the ones the messages are intended for cannot read between the lines of my secret messages...
Maybe I had given them to many cipher that they don't know which one to use to decipher each messages... hehe
So the next time you read anything I wrote, think outside the box, you might just break my secret code... hehe...
Or you can start now by deciphering this post, there is a hidden message in it...