

"I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough."

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part One)

I went to watch the latest Harry Potter movie today.. 

My comment? 

The movie was good, and for me much better compared to the previous ones...  It was long (2 hours plus) and the scenes were not rushed. (which is good for people like me who have not read the novel).. The storyline was superb... The action scenes were also not bad... 

That's all for my comment on the movie... Let's focus on other  perspectives...

The Harry Potter character and his 2 best friends have grown up so much since their first day at Hogwarths... Gone were the days when they were having fun learning magic in the compound of their school... 

Now it is time to practice those magic for their survival as they are being hunted by the bad guys... If they fail to practice what have been learned before, they'll die...

This kinda make me think about ourselves... 

It is just months away before we leave the comfort of IIUM to start working in hospitals, and yet I am still not confident enough that I can carry all that we have been taught during these few years and apply the right thing at the right time... (Note that I am using I just in case some of us feels that he/she is already prepared...)

If Harry Potter fails to remember the correct spell to do something at a critical time, he/ his friends might be killed, but if we fail to remember something important at a critical time, whose life are we endangering? How many will die (or badly injured) if we are incompetent in our work???

That is a hypothetical question, who knows what will happen in the future... So what I am trying to say is that we should buck up and be ready (as ready as can be)... Like it or not, we will be responsible for other people in the future... 

Maybe those who watch the movie after this can ponder something on this as well... Hehe

Ps: I come to think of this mainly because of the many spells used by the characters in this movie... The right spell need to be used in a specific situation... Kinda like our knowledge right?


Polaris Girl said...

Nak tengok jugak... Tp cni xde cinema la.. :(

Unknown said...


Common sense je ni...haha

debonairs88 said...

haha mat...OBLIVIATE! erm..din aku suke entri ni :')

ezud zaliy said...

@fatihah: gi la mesra mall tuh or tunggu je sampai ada donloaded version yg gambar best... huhu

ezud zaliy said...

@mat: mantap giler mat, ko dah lulus peperiksaan spell, boleh mintak keje kat ministry of magic dah... hahaha

ezud zaliy said...

@apai: obliviate? ko tgh padam memory mat ke? hahaha

Unknown said...

haha...tu la din. Aku rase surat tawaran hogwarts tak sampai rumah aku. Burung hantu tersesat. Kalau tak dah jadi ahli sihir tersohor dah. haha...

ezud zaliy said...

burung hantu xtau jalan kat felda jengka kut... kirim r melalui POS Malaysia, insyaallah sampai... hahaha


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