

"I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough."

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bangladesh town in Malaysia

This is a fact quoted from The Malaysian Insider... Well now we have a statistics to prove that there really is lots of Bangadeshi in Malaysia...

Come to think of it, it is not so bad having them around... They are hardworking and they filled up positions in industry which Malaysians don't want to participate in such as labour in the construction sites... 

And compared to other foreign workers (from other countries), they are more Islamic too, they prayed often and they don't cause social problems (eg: theft, rape, drug traficking, prostitution, larikan anak perempuan orang etc) that often, in fact, they could be considered angels compared to some foreign workers from other countries... 

The one thing that i don't particularly like about them is having to communicate with a newly arrived worker who can speak very minimum English and Bahasa Malaysia... It can be frustrating... If you go to a mamak stall and the staffs there do not understand you, for me it is still acceptable.. 

But if you go to outlets such as Secret Recipe and the staffs there cannot communicate with you... Really really frustrating... I would just give up and minimize the conversation by pointing to the pictures in the menu to order the food... Same goes to supermarkets or other shops where you need to asks the staffs for assistance to find the things you are looking for...

The conclusion is that there are plenty of foreign workers in Malaysia... I hope that all of them is more civil, have work permits, don't create social problems here, and can speak in fluent English or Bahasa Malaysia... The end...


debonairs88 said...

haha..aku rase mcm tau je staff kt secret recipe yg x fhm bhs mlayu tu :p

ezud zaliy said...

tp ni tahun lepas r, time dia baru kerja kut... lepas dari incident tu, kalau ak gi sana pun bukan dia yg layan, so xtau r camne bahasa malaysia n english dia sekarang... huhu... maybe dah improve dalam setahun ni kut... huhu

Unknown said...

penah mengalami mende yg sama dgn padlan tp kat taj la n bukan org bangladesh la....


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